On February 27th, I left Nebraska to travel to Auburn, Alabama for the Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit. LNK-ORD-ATL. Might I add that the weather in Atlanta was absolutely fabulous. We drove from Atlanta, GA to Auburn, AL. On Friday, we had some free time so we drove to Montgomery. Montgomery is full of history, especially from the Civil Rights Era.
This perfectly sums up Montgomery.
Walking through Montgomery is like time traveling.
I was standing where Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and other civil rights greats have stood.
Standing where Rosa Parks got arrested.
The infamous church, led by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Alabama state capitol
Scott and Ella Fitzgerald's home
A true Southern meal at Dreamland: BBQ, homemade mac and cheese and sweet tea.
I met Aubie, the Auburn University mascot
Hanging out with the GreenTowers Team from Penn State: Dan, Jon, Jared, Dustin and Mike.
"GreenTowers formed as a student team in 2012 with a mission to provide everyone the opportunity to grow their own food no matter where they live. By offering easy to use aquaponic systems combined with our unique vertical farming concepts, we are creating a world in which local food and healthy eating is the norm."
-GreenTowers Facebook page
They are working on a prototype and the Kickstarter campaign will be up soon. Don't forget to check it out!
My time spent at Auburn University was wonderful and went by way too quickly. I met great people and I was sad to leave after only a few days. However, using my sly skills, I chose my flight completely based off of where the layover would be. =] I was able to spend at least a few hours in Chicago, which helped with being sad about leaving the South. Although, I could have done with out the Chiberian temperatures.
Casablanca and Chicago are sister cities. Coincidence? I think NOT! =]
Papa Scott and I during my way too brief layover in Chicago.
War eagle!
Now to explain the blog title... At Auburn University, their chant is "war eagle!", similar to "GO BIG RED!" for Husker fans. War eagle is a very ubiquitous term and can be applied to almost any situation.
My stats as of March 2014:
- 4% of the world visited
- Estimated mileage: 76650
- been to:
- 5 continents
- 11 countries
- 12 states